East River Ranch Development
The East River Ranch development has its final adoption hearing on Wednesday, March 24th at 9AM. There are two Comprehensive Plan amendments and a Rezone Application going before the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) next week. They correspond to Items 8, 9, and 10 on the agenda HERE .
The first Comp Plan amendment (Item 8 on the agenda) is proposing changes to the county's thoroughfare plan. According to page 5 of the county Staff Report :
"The applicant is requesting an amendment to the County’s Thoroughfare Plan to include a new north / south collector, East River Ranch Boulevard, as provided for in Table 5-1 and the Map 5 Series of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. As proposed, this roadway would measure nearly three (3) miles; starting from State Road 64 East and ending at Rangeland Parkway. Per the project narrative, the maps show the alignment of 44th Avenue East and Rangeland Parkway as the applicant proposes their location on the applicant’s property."
If you zoom in on the maps below, you can see the proposed new East River Ranch Boulevard. Also note the placement of 44th Ave East and Rangeland Parkway.
The second Comp Plan amendment requests the Future Land Use Category (FLUC) of the applicant's land be changed from its current category of Agriculture/Rural which allows for 1 dwelling unit/5 acres to Urban Fringe-3 which allows for 3 units/acre. The staff report for this Comp Plan amendment can be read HERE .
The Rezone Application for this 1,381 acre parcel is Item #10 on the agenda. The proposed uses of this land are stated as follows on page 3 of the corresponding Staff Report:
5,378 Residential Units (Single-Family Detached, Single-Family Attached, Semi-Detached and Multi-Family)
900,000 square feet of commercial/retail uses
300,000 square feet of office uses
300,000 square feet of mini-warehouse uses
A future potential charter school grades K-12
A future potential fire station facility
The entire 50-page Staff Report can be viewed HERE .
The General Development Plan for East River Ranch can be found HERE .
What Can YOU Do?
- Attend the meeting on Wednesday, May 24th at 1112 Manatee Avenue West at 9AM.
- Sign our PETITION and spread the word about the development projects our BoCC is considering.
- Email AND call our commissioners to let them know your concerns about large-scale development east of the FDAB. James Satcher, District 1 [email protected] 941-745-3701